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These organizations have made our research possible:
Insight Development Grant
Emerging Projects Grant

University Research Fund
Queer Heritage Initiative of
New Brunswick

Fredericton Feminist Film Collective
Research Team
Casey Burkholder, Faculty of Education, UNB
Sabine LeBel, Faculty of Arts, UNB
Matt Rogers, Faculty of Education, UNB
Dusty Green, Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick
Meredith Batt, Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick
Amelia Thorpe, PhD Candidate
Katie Hamill, PhD student
Allen Chase, PhD student
Melania Carrasco, M.Ed. student
Caen Squires, M.Ed. student
Madeleine McKane, B.Ed student
Rachelle Smith, B.Ed student
Alison Ready, B.Ed student
Vera Nugent, B.Ed student
Maria Nazareth Felipe de Araujo, B.A. Student
Vu Pham, B.A. student
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